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Soft Base

When it is necessary to extract all of your natural teeth, a phenomenon of bone resorption is to be expected following this operation. This phenomenon causes a progressive reduction of the gums. The more the gums are atrophied, the more difficult it is to have a comfortable dental prosthesis.

The soft base helps absorb some of the pressure on your gums when you chew. The soft base looks like soft rubber and is the same color as your prosthesis. It is a material that is installed under the lower denture. This provides additional comfort for your gum.

Note that with a soft base, dentures may remain unstable and to permanently correct this problem, placing dental implants may be the best solution.

denturologue fabreville
denture laval

Rebasing and Relining

After a few years, your prosthesis may lose suction and become large. The solution is to take the impression directly in the mouth with a self-curing acrylic. This treatment is inexpensive, quick and effective. In some cases, the prosthesis must be kept for one or two days, but usually the patient can leave with his prosthesis on the day of his appointment.

prothèse dentaire fabreville
Denturologiste Blainville
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